Are you sick and tired of waiting for food, forking out huge tips, and having to book days ahead just to eat a tasty meal? Then...

“Discover How You Can Make Your Own Famous Restaurant Dishes...Without The Expense Or Hassle Of Eating Out!”

It's true...a select few people have cracked the code of the world famous recipes that you know and love. But not all recipes are legit or even work! Discover which resource delivers the best recipes and which ones to avoid in our exclusive "Secret Recipe Review"

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Secret Recipes Review

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We all love to eat out at our favourite restaurants don’t we? Whether it’s to keep the kids happy, or because we are bored to death of the same home made meals every night…we all deserve a treat.

But there’s a problem or two…

Firstly, eating out costs a lot more money than at home. And secondly, you’ve got to spend money travelling, then having the hassle of booking a table and finally when you get there – you’ve got to either wait for a long time in a cue or at your table!

What would it be like to be able to show off to friends and family by being able to cook the same great tasting food (I mean, exactly the same taste) at home?

Well, an internet famous guide claims to be able to show you how to re-create your favourite restaurant dishes at home for a fraction of the cost by following easy step-by-step instructions.

And if it’s true, you can:

Get kudos and praise from friends and family members when they find out you actually made these delicious dishes yourself!
Uncover the cooking techniques used by world class chefs from famous restaurants.
Stop wasting time searching for these recipes on other sites only to be frustrated by recipes that don't really work. We've been perfecting these recipes collectively with our community of over 45,000 forum members since 2003.
Enjoy great flavour, with out the excess fat and preservatives
Considering the amount of money it costs for a decent meal these days, this can easily translate into hundreds of dollars spent on food each month at the bare minimum.

That’s why we’ve decided to see whether all this stuff is for real and whether it’s truly possible to create delicious famous restaurant meals at home instead.

After all, if they work out then this will:

Save Time

No more trial and error or WASTEFUL experimentation needed to find the "exact taste". With this recipe book, you get to create dishes from your favourite restaurants with uncanny resemblance!

Save Money

Just imagine the sheer amount of cash you will be able to save just by cooking these dishes yourself at home! If you just prepare these meals once per week, you will save well over $180 each month at the bare minimum.

Not to mention the satisfaction you'll get when people find out you made these famous dishes from your own kitchen.


America's Secret Recipes Vol 1
America's Secret Recipes Vol 2
Free Bonus 1: "The Secret Recipe Archive"
Free Bonus 2: "Secret Sauces Exposed!"
Free Bonus 3: "Good Ole Comfort Foods"
Free Bonus 4: "The Grill Master's Guide to Grilling"
Free Bonus 5: "Special Occasion Cookbook"
Free Bonus 6: "Diabetic Delights"
Free Bonus 7: "Kid Approved Cookbook"

What Does It Do?

Basically, it’s pretty self explanatory. The guide shows you how to create mouth watering recipes based on several top restaurants and fast food outlets.

I don’t know how they know the recipes, but I would imagine it’s through trial and error and some kind of insider info – but don’t quote me on that, because even THEY keep things pretty secretive!

First Impressions

The first things that struck me with this popular guide is that there are lots of recipes. More than you’d ever use in a year, so there’s plenty of value for money going on here.

Also, the guides are really easy to read, and follow along with. Many cookbooks are difficult to cook along with, but these guys keep it simple. Although admittedly, sometimes a little too simple for some of the recipes…

…which resulted in use making certain burgers which ended up tasting like any old home made burger (well, a lot nicer but not quite like the burger king burger we hoped for).

Does It Work?

Again, it seems to be a bit hit and miss in places, with 80% of recipes being pretty close to the other 20% being nothing more than a home made alternative that tastes nothing like the original.
The ones that seem to be the closest are top recipes though - such as McDonalds' Big Mac and the Deep Pan Pizza!

However, there's tons of recipes that we're still testing out so it's impossible to say that we've tried them all...considering there's several additional bonus recipe books to get through yet!

At this stage, one thing is clear – it’s easy to follow along and even if they are slightly off the mark and you need more practice, your worst attempt will produce food that tastes so much better than the standard home made stuff that we’re all so used to cooking.

So when you think about it like that, you can’t really fail!


Bad Points

Overall, these guides are pretty fool proof but if I had to pick any flaws it would be that you will still need to have some skill or experience cooking in order to get the most out of them.

Although the guides are written so they are easy to follow, the lack of illustrations make it guesswork for the total beginner cook.

Secondly, there are a lot of ingredients listed which seem to be specialist and may require a restock of your pantry, so bare that in mind before getting started.

Finally, some recipes are hit and miss and will take some practise to get right when actually following along.

It’s a shame that at the time of writing this, there are no videos to go along with the guide, as that would help for total kitchen rookies like me!

Good Points

There’s a lot of benefits that come with these secret recipe guides. First of all, they save a ton of money.

The amount you’ll save on those fast food trips or meals out will add up to thousands over a year.

Sure, you’ll want to go out from time to time but the point is that with these guides you at least have the option of saving a bit of cash when you need to, without having to eat boring “freezer food”.

The other thing is that you can use it to impress friends. You should have seen my buddies faces when I produced from my small kitchen a Deep Pan Pizza ™. Especially when they sank their teeth into it.

And because there are so many recipes, the great thing is that I’ll never run out of ideas. I seriously think that with all of the guides combined, these recipes will last years.

And not forgetting, if your kids are always hassling you for the fast food trips and Friday night pizza, one simple trip to the kitchen will keep the kids happy (and quiet!) without busting your wallet every time!


Who Is It Right For?

Without doubt, anyone who likes to cook will love these guides, particularly the born and raised American who loves indulging in tasty fast food and rich flavours of famous restaurants across America.

More specifically, families on a budget that love to eat out or strapped for ideas on great tasting food will get a lot of value and will save a lot of money with these guides.

And if you’re still single – perhaps trying to impress a certain someone with culinary expertise will change that for good!


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Our Conclusive Review Of Secret Recipes

These recipes are exact replicas of your favourite restaurants dishes, and are presented in an easy-to-follow format. Even the beginning cook can successfully create these dishes.
Experienced cooks will love the uniqueness of these recipes found nowhere else. You will discover the closely guarded secrets of restaurants from around the country. Just imagine eating your favourite restaurant dishes at a fraction of the cost in the comfort of your own home! (You'll also stop wasting time spent waiting in line).

All of the recipes were researched and tested for 5 years with over 45,000 members of the America's Most Wanted Recipe Forum. The value of the cookbook is unsurpassed. The small cost of the book itself will be paid for many times over with the savings from restaurant outings.

And the excitement and pride of creating these dishes…and receiving praise from your family and friends is priceless.

With 700 duplicate restaurant recipes plus 7 free additional cookbooks chock full of fantastic recipes, this is a great way to add some variety and excitement back into your meal times.

Whether you eat alone or have a demanding tribe to feed, these secret recipes will not only make you look good, but you’ll also be up several hundred dollars per year as a result.

Try it for yourself, they have a 60 day money back guarantee which will allow you to make some of your favourite recipes at home. And if they don’t taste as great as the professionals (or anywhere near) then simply ask them for a refund. Simple!

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