
A Weekly Menu Plan to Organize Your Daily Meals

Menu planning is the hot topic of today’s health conscious population. Many prepare it for the sake of preparing and there are many who plan their meals and stick to it firmly. A weekly menu plan benefits you in many ways especially in making optimum use of time and money.

Monday to Friday might be tough on you as you are busy with your kitchen work, getting your kids to school and getting yourself ready for the office.

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During these busy days you can never imagine of thinking what to prepare for the breakfast or pack for lunch after getting up in the morning. So, to be smart and lead a well thought-out lifestyle, get ready to prepare a weekly menu plan that can systematize your daily meals. Here are some meal ideas that can help you at least for this forthcoming week.


Breakfast: Strawberry yogurt shakes and egg omelette.

Lunch: Grilled steak with mixed grilled vegetables.

Dinner: Whole-wheat pasta with turkey meatballs and vegetable salad.


Breakfast: Sweet potato pancakes with fresh orange juice.

Lunch: Rice with Italian shrimp and broccoli.

Dinner: Roasted potatoes and chicken breasts with steamed vegetables and cheese.


Breakfast: English muffins with ricotta cheese and fat-free yogurt.

Lunch: Turkey BBQ with steamed corn and sweet potato fries.

Dinner: Vegetable fried rice with grilled salmon and fruit salad.


Breakfast: Oat meal with fresh fruits and low-fat milk.

Lunch: Meatball sandwiches and cucumber salad.

Dinner: Whole-wheat noodles with tomato sauce and fresh vegetables.


Breakfast: Whole-wheat bread with peanut butter and banana slices.

Lunch: Avocado sushi with spicy beef curry and sweet corn soup.

Dinner: Turkey curry with vegetables and rice.


Breakfast: Spaghetti pasta with steamed potatoes and butternut squash.

Lunch: Chicken sandwich with whole-wheat bread and vegetable salad.

Dinner: Peppery beef meatballs with drained pasta topped with Parmesan cheese.


Breakfast: Whole-wheat bagel with smoked salmon, onions, tomatoes and lettuce with apple juice.

Lunch: Rice with grilled pork ribs and low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: Chicken olive pizza with green onions, salsa and Pepper Jack cheese.

Get ready to taste these dishes this week. Stop worrying about the forthcoming week, as your meal planner is ready at your ease. Try to get all the seasonal fruits and vegetables so that you can grab the essential nutrients without biting your pocket.

The last lovely note for you is just add your person touch to all the food you serve and see the magic that preparing great meals can bring! Happy cooking!

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