
Mashed Potatoes Easy And Delicious Side Dish For Generations

One of the best and most popular side dishes to the dinner table has been the mashed potato. Mashed potatoes have come down through generations and has even had a major role in a movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and what would Thanksgiving be without them.

Mashed potatoes are a simple recipe consisting of some butter, milk, pepper and salt added to the potatoes or some cooks beef them up with garlic, green onions and cheese. They are versatile as other things can be added such as vegetables, bacon and other cheeses and they can be placed back in the potato skins and baked again for twice baked potatoes.

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There are even instant mashed potatoes, although not nearly as tasty as real ones. They haven’t been around all that long either being patented in’62 by Canadian scientist Edward Asselbergs. He invented the process of dehydrating mashed potatoes that is used today even though some earlier methods were patented in’12 and’54. Today we can even go to the grocery store and purchase tubs of real potatoes that have been already mashed for us and all we have to do is heat them up in the microwave.

To make a simple mashed potato recipe you need to use potatoes suitable for mashing including russet, Idaho or Yukon Gold. You will need to use two and one half pounds potatoes that have been peeled and cut into chunks, one fourth cup of milk, one fourth cup of butter, one half teaspoon of salt, and one half teaspoon of pepper. Put the potatoes in about four quarters of water and start them to boil over high heat. Once they have started to boil cover with a lid. Continue to simmer for 15 or 20 minutes or just pierce the potatoes with a fork to see if they are soft. Drain them and place in a large bowl using a wire masher to squish them or put them in a mixer bowl and start to beat them. Add the milk, the butter, and seasonings and whip until fluffy and smooth. This recipe serves about six people.

Another variation is to make mashed potatoes with cheese and sour cream. Peel and cut into chunks 8 to 10 potatoes and place them in enough water to cover in a Dutch oven. Bring to a boil and boil about 20 minutes or until the potatoes are soft when pierced with a fork. Drain the potatoes and put in a mixer bowl. Whip for a few minutes then add 8 ounces cream cheese, one half of a 16 ounce carton of sour cream, and six tablespoons butter. Combine well than add one fourth teaspoon garlic salt and one fourth teaspoon pepper. Mix in well. You have the option of adding one half cup shredded Cheddar while whipping or placing it on top and letting it melt.

Always employ and down motion when using a wire masher instead of a side to side so that the cells of the potato do not release all the starch. Never use cold butter on mashed potatoes; instead it should be softened at room temperature. You can warm your milk before adding but never let it boil. This will ensure your potatoes are warm when you serve them. Use chicken stock instead of milk to give a different flavor but make sure to taste before adding any salt. The stock has salt in it already and you may make them too salty.

Everyone will enjoy your mashed potatoes along with dinner just as they have for many years before. Add bacon, green onions or chives and many different things to make them different every time you serve them. You can place butter or sour cream on top, or try cheese and the every popular gravy. There will never be left overs of mashed potatoes after dinner.

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