
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Easy Chicken Recipes

Many people worry about using raw chicken to make chicken recipes and it is true that there are a few things to learn about handling raw chicken. As long as you follow basic hygiene rules, however, you will be fine. You should always wash your hands after handling raw chicken and clean all the surfaces the raw chicken has touched.

Raw chicken should be stored in the refrigerator in its plastic wrap. It should not touch any other foods and it is best to keep raw meat, poultry, and fish on the lowest shelf so it does not drip on to anything else. Chicken needs to be cooked all the way through and not have any pink bits left inside. As long as you follow these basic rules, there is no reason not to start making tasty chicken recipes today!

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Chicken is a definite health food. It is low in fat and most people enjoy the flavor. Deep fried chicken might not be as healthy as chicken baked in tomato sauce or grilled chicken salad for example but the great thing about chicken is that it is versatile and you can vary your chicken recipes because there are so many to choose from there is almost an endless supply. Chicken is also inexpensive and easy to cook once you know how.

Simple Chicken Dishes

If you have never cooked chicken before, a good dish to start off with will be something using boneless chicken pieces. Boneless chicken recipes are very simple and you can make a great meal by slicing some chicken breasts and vegetables and stir-frying them together before adding some sauce. Meals like this are quick to make, as well as easy.

Baked chicken recipes are usually quite straightforward and you can brown a chicken breast, pour some sauce or soup over it, and bake it in the oven. Poached chicken recipes and grilled chicken recipes are easy to do unless you have to make a complicated sauce or side dish to go with it. As long as you cook your chicken, at the right temperature for the right amount of time, you should not go far wrong and your chicken should be tender, juicy, and succulent.

Undercooked chicken, which is pink inside, is dangerous to eat because of the risk of salmonella and overcooked chicken is stringy and dry. The best way to see if your chicken is cooked is to cut into it at the thickest part to see if the meat is white all the way through and the juices are clear. If so, the chicken is ready.

As you become more comfortable with making chicken dishes, you might like to have a go at some trickier chicken recipes. The crockpot chicken recipes you used to find daunting will now be a breeze as you attempt new variations of chicken dishes.

You can also try new chicken cooking methods such as roasting a whole chicken and making all the trimmings to go with it, once you are comfortable with handling and cooking chicken.

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