
Spanish ham: Know it better

We have evolved a lot since our early days on earth. Our taste for life and food is rapidly changing. We are making inventions, gong distances and doing things that are not expected of us. So, human life is based on different things. If we see around, change is the most special ingredient available in our lives these days. Your miss change, difficulties are bound to come. And the most important point of fascination remains to be food and eating habits. We treat food not as something to kill our hunger but also as means to pass our time and feel good about it.

Diet or proper meals have somewhat taken a back seat. Look around, nine out of ten times you would find people carrying their particular favorite food stuff in hands and keep on walking to office or to work. It’s been long when we used to sit and eat meals along with other members of the family. Now, it only happens on big festivals and special occasions.

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There is no denying the fact that few things always stand tall and strong to the tests of time. Time itself is permanent and fix only days and weeks change. Spanish ham and its qualities have made all of us look puzzled. It has got so much to offer and it still it is one simple dish on the platter.

It is enormously delicious and complete with many nutritional properties. Cholesterol and its side-effects are known to everybody. Spanish ham, or as popularly called jamon serrano, plays an essential role to fight against it (DHL) and helps to keep the good part of it (LDL) to grow.

Scientists across the world have agreed to the fact that zinc is of far most importance in order to sharpen memory skills and immune system too. Yes, we are talking about Spanish ham and it undoubtly provides zinc in good quantity.

Vitamins of B group family can easily be traced in it (Spanish ham). Calcium and iron are no exception to it. Few simple things can make a big difference while the quality of your favorite Spanish ham can easily be hampered due to an avoidable negligence. A small thing like the color of pig can make a huge difference. Spanish ham usually comes from the “Landrace” family of white pig.

Interestingly it is also called as Mountain ham. Now, this time try to search and find the exact reasons that why is it so. One should always be eager to know more about their favorite food and its preparation. A wee hint- it always get stored and dried at a higher altitude.

The whole preparation procedure consists of various stages like taking off the extra moisture by covering it in salt first, then removes the salt of the body and hung it further for next six months and in the last step it is placed or hung for six to eighteen months in a cool and dry place.

Finally, it is ready to be served. Enjoy and don’t think of anything else while eating.

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